zondag 13 augustus 2017

Week 32 in #wapenhandel25tweets

Week 32 in #wapenhandel25tweets
(Gaarne 'liken' of delen als je het nuttig of interessant vindt.)

Investeringskosten JSF
Arabische, Aziatsiche, Europese, Noord-Amerikaanse en zelfs een Afrikaanse bron in dit overzicht. Vakantietijd betekent minder wapenhandelberichten en minder mogelijkheden te selecteren op Nederland en Europa. Dat verklaart de reis rond de wereld. Het geeft aan dat een veelheid aan (beschikbare) bronnen nodig is voor informatie.

JSF exploitatie
De Joint Strike Fighter / F-35 Lightning II zal de Amerikaanse belastingbetaler € 338 miljard voor de aanschaf en € 846 aan gebruikskosten. Dat is samen meer dan € Dit astronomische bedrag staat gelijk aan het BNP van alle landen die onder de top-20 staan. 

De Amerikaanse Rekenkamer maakte afgelopen week bekend dat daar de komende vijf jaar nog € 3,3 miljard aan moderniseringskosten bijkomen. Ook dat is nog meer dan de omvang van het BNP van alle landen lager dan positie 140 op die lijst.

Wat in dit bedrag nog niet meegerekend is, zijn de kosten die de 'partners' in het F-35 proect maken. Voor Nederland is dit € 4,5 miljard aanschaf en € 270 miljoen per jaar voor exploitatie.

Nederland (zie ook 5, 10)

1 – 080817:Montly spreadsheet with Dutch dual-use exports, already until July 2017. [In Dutch] #rijksoverheidnl https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/documenten/rapporten/2016/10/01/overzicht-dual-use-vergunningen


België (zie 5)

Duitsland (zie 4, 6, 16, 26)


2 – 090817: French military chief: Scorpion personnel carrier program may suffer under budget cuts https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2017/08/07/french-military-chief-scorpion-program-will-suffer-under-budget-cuts/


3 – 120817: Bad news: Spain delivered Saudi's containers with ammo.
Good News: Bilbo harbour workers refused to handle it.


4 – 120817: Uhhhh: Turkish president #Erdoğan still procures weapons from #Germany https://anfenglish.com/news/erdogan-still-procures-weapons-from-germany-21479

6 – 120817: #Rheinmetall in #Turkey: "A planned joint venture for munitions is on ice because clearance from Ankara is lacking." https://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/article167243162/Tuerkei-Geschaefte-werden-fuer-Rheinmetall-zur-Haengepartie.html

VK (zie 21)

7 – 120817: (UK) banks must drop their deadly investments in the arms trade http://waronwant.org/media/uk-banks-must-drop-their-deadly-investments-arms-trade#.WY7lA6BrdnU.twitter

8 – 120817 (Retweet @londoncaat): From Venezuela to Saudi Arabia, the UK is arming regimes on its own list of human rights abusers https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/venezeula-saudi-arabia-uk-arming-human-rights-abusers-a7888701.html

9 – 120817 (retweet @keesamok): Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990 used by UK to boost weapon sales https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/aug/12/arms-trade-margaret-thatcher-kuwait-saddam-hussein?CMP=share_btn_tw

Zweden (zie 12, 16, 26)



10 – 090817: #Bolivian Navy establishes new simulation centre produced in England, Japan and the #Netherlands | Jane's 360 http://www.janes.com/article/72967/bolivian-navy-establishes-new-simulation-centre#.WYrqyrFycgw.twitter


11 – 090817: Depends who you'll ask and in what time of a sale: What matters more in the arms trade - money or morals? http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/insidestory/2017/08/matters-arms-trade-money-morals-170808200834677.html  #Canada

China (zie 17-18)


12 – 120817: #Bofors #corruption scandal in #India a never ending story: CBI could reopen kickbacks case, House panel told http://www.domain-b.com/industry/defence/20170811_case.html

Irak (zie 9)


13 – 110817: #Israeli arms exports to South #Sudan are lawful, state tells High Court http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.806169

Filipijnen (zie)

14 – 110817: Intra Asian arms market 2: #Japan seeks South East Asia clout with chopper parts for #Philippines military. http://www.thestar.com.my/news/world/2017/08/10/exclusive--japan-seeks-south-east-asia-clout-with-chopper-parts-for-philippines-military-sources/


15 – 110817: Defence Ministers of #Indonesia and #Guinea-Bissau sign MoU to secure military exports to West-African country http://www.intellasia.net/indonesia-signs-agreement-with-guinea-bissau-to-boost-exports-614163

Japan (zie 14)

Korea (South)

16 – 090817: #Korea plans to buy Swedish/German air-launched Taurus cruise missiles. Range 500km. http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20170807000339


17 – 110817: Intra Asian arms trade 3: Stir over report on #China radar, rocket plans in Johor #Malaysia. The #Singaporese view. http://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/stir-over-report-on-china-radar-rocket-plans-in-johor

18 – 110817: Intra Asian arms market 1: #Malaysia denies #China offer of weapon systems | The Sun News Nigeria http://sunnewsonline.com/malaysia-denies-china-offer-of-weapon-systems/


19 – 090817: Tension on the Arabian Peninsular, and the winner is: #Qatar has boosted defence spending by 282%. https://www.businessinsider.com.au/qatar-becomes-worlds-third-biggest-weapons-importer-in-two-years-2017-8

Saoedi-Arabië (zie ook 3, 8, 11, 19)

20 – 100817: #Saudi viewpoint on using the armed forces for repression. Al-#Musawara now almost free of terrorists and criminals. http://www.arabnews.com/node/1142406/saudi-arabia#.WYw4DttZPKE.twitter

21 – 110817: Promises during arms buys are often easily made. Thus no British arms to Saudis who break them. http://theconversation.com/britain-shouldnt-sell-arms-to-the-saudis-no-matter-what-promises-they-make-81111

22 – 110817: Saudi Arabia ends internal ops.:"devastation on the scale of war-torn Yemeni and Syrian cities" https://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/middle-east/saudi-arabia-ends-military-attacks-on-gunmen-1.3182962#.WY1iUYwsqQ4.twitter via @IrishTimesWorld

Soedan (Zuid) (zie 13)

23 – 130817: Syrian city #Idlib a real arms bazaar. Products to buy range from bombs to main battle tanks, all with price tag. https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:s_ZULohguBwJ:https://en.zamanalwsl.net/news/28913.html+&cd=1&hl=nl&ct=clnk&gl=nl

24 – 130817: Thailand denies but US State Department reports sale of 5 Harpoon missiles and spares (US$ 25m). So who's right? http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/politics/30323637#.WY__MNPtoZ8.twitter

Venezuela (zie ook 9)

25 – 110817: Critisism in the UK, but Venezuelan navy sails Dutch equipment (Thales, Damen, Damen Cuba) http://newswirereport.com/2017/08/11/uk-criticised

Zuid-Korea (zie )

26 – 090817: #Korea plans to buy Swedish/German air-launched Taurus cruise missiles. Range 500km. http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20170807000339


27 – 090817: The astronomical costs of the #F35 will grow: DOD's Proposed Follow-on Modernization/Acquisition leads to new costs. http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-17-690R

28 – 090817: Over 1½ trillion dollars for: "technical execution of this airplane is unusually bad by historical standards." #F35 http://aviationweek.com/defense/opposing-views-debating-f-35-s-strengths-and-weaknesses

This is a selection from a larger amount of tweets. Tweets with a relation the Netherlands, arms trade and defence-industry weight heavier in the selection. If you want to have them daily see http://twitter.com/martinbroek