woensdag 10 april 2024

My tweets (or X's) for April


Latest on top (updated regularly):

April 10

Welke bedrijven in Nederland maken raketten, bommen e.d. In Trouw wordt beweerd dat die productie niet bestaat. https://www.trouw.nl/duurzaamheid-economie/jawel-nederland-heeft-een-defensie-industrie-maar-voor-bommen-en-raketten-moet-je-toch-echt-de-grens-over~b2afc65b/ Maar Nederland is leverancier van onderdelen. Ook voor deze wapentypen? Heldere bron: Catalogue of Netherlands Defence Related Industries van 't Commissariaat Militaire Productie #CMP (vroeger een jaarlijkse papieren gids). Met 'n mogelijkheid tot zoeken op verschillende wapentypen waaronder munitie en raketten & torpedo's.

Onlangs verdwenen.

Weer 'n voorbeeld van afgenomen transparantie op wapengebied.

Deel van het #militarisme is #geheimzinnigheid; niet de toegenomen openheid.

Nu lost zelfs zo'n al decennia bestaande gids op in de #oorlogskoorts. En kunnen we moeilijker controleren of wat geschreven wordt over wapenproductie juist is. https://web.archive.org/web/20210620153921/https://cmp.minez.nl/Compensatie/En/Default.asp

More talks needed. #US’s deployment of launchers for its medium-range #missiles in the Asia-Pacific region for the 1st time in nearly 4 decades is a #warning to #China against military action across the Taiwan Strait, analysts said. #SM6 #Tomahawk https://www.scmp.com/news/china/military/article/3258327/us-viewed-warning-china-against-military-advancement-its-plan-medium-range-missile-launchers-asia

The US Space Force #USSF will officially begin the major competition for the next-generation #nuclear #command-and-control constellation this month, a program expected to cost up to $8 #billion. https://aviationweek.com/shows-events/space-symposium/ussf-begin-major-nuclear-command-control-competition


Despite the sanctions, #Russia steadily increases the production of missiles & cruise missiles, some of which require 40 to 50 Western #components, which the Russia receives thanks to "gray" imports. https://rubryka.com/en/2024/04/09/zbroyi/

(Based on Die Welt article https://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/plus250918582/Ukraine-Krieg-So-steht-es-wirklich-um-die-russische-Ruestungsindustrie.html)

What’s the contractual state of munitions orders concerning Ukraine? Defense News April 2024, p. 58. ->

Billions spend, trillions planned, but: "Delivery disruptions for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter are creating a headache for European buyers, as some countries face a potential capacity gap and delays in training pilots and maintenance engineers." #F35 #JSF https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2024/03/21/f-35-delivery-delays-frustrate-european-air-force-upgrade-plans/

A lawyer for #Germany told the #ICJ that since Oct 7, 98% of arms exports to Israel were general #equipment like vests, helmets & binoculars.

Of 4 cases where #weapon exports were approved 3 concerned arms unsuitable for use in combat & meant for training. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/4/9/germany-rejects-allegation-of-aiding-genocide-in-gaza-at-icj

April 9

Shipbuilder #Damen Naval has commissioned gearbox manufacturer #Renk to supply 8 gearboxes for the 4 #ASW #frigates ordered by #Belgium and the #Netherlands, the companies announced on 4 April 2024.

Renk originated in #Germany, key dates in WOI and WOII. https://www.renk.com/en/newsroom/news/press-releases/renk-awarded-contract-for-anti-submarine-warfare-frigates

South #Korea has successfully launched its 2nd military spy #satellite into orbit, days after North Korea reaffirmed its plan to launch multiple reconnaissance satellites this year. The Koreas each launched their first spy satellites last year.

De Haan vindt het onbegrijpelijk dat bijna niemand vraagtekens zet bij de westerse steun aan de oorlog in #Oekraïne: “Elke dode die nu valt, had je kunnen voorkomen,” “Er is alle reden om onmiddellijk te de-escaleren. Maar nee, wij gaan juist escaleren.”

Protesters demanding arms embargo on Israel spray Labour HQ with red paint.

Demonstrators from the Youth Demand group insisted both the Government and Opposition should commit to preventing supply of weapons to the country. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/labour-government-israel-protesters-labour-party-b2525234.html

Turkish #Atesci https://www.atesci.com/ starts arms production in Congo, Nigeria & Kenya. In 2019 Turkish President Erdogan started an aggressive campaign to strengthen Turkey’s role on the world stage & facilitated companies’ access to the African market.

April 8

Netherlands only country disappearing from list wih 10 biggest global arms exporters and South-Korea only nation entering the league with major arms exporters when SIPRI rankings for 2014-18 and 2019-23 are compared.

Retweet with comment @SIPRIorg: Russian arms exports fell by 53% between 2014–18 and 2019–23. For the first time, Russia was the third biggest arms exporter, just behind France. Get the full analysis https://www.sipri.org/publications/2024/sipri-fact-sheets/trends-international-arms-transfers-2023

April 7

#Spain rejects ban on arms exports to #Morocco. «Spain's defense exports comply with national, EU, and international regulations, all of which prioritize international humanitarian law and peace and security», wrote the MFA Albares.
https://en.yabiladi.com/articles/details/148435/spain-rejects-arms-exports-morocco.htmlIllegal #occupation?

Representative Nancy #Pelosi, former House speaker and a key ally of Biden, has signed a letter from dozens of congressional #Democrats to the president and Secretary of State Blinken, urging a halt to #weapons #transfers to Israel.


April 6

War sells.

At Singapore Airshow, the Israeli-Gaza war was a selling point for Israeli arms makers. Israeli firms unveiled the next generation of kamikaze drones. A visit to the biggest arms trade show in Asia. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-04-05/ty-article-magazine/.highlight/at-singapore-airshow-the-gaza-war-was-a-selling-point-for-israeli-weapon-manufacturers/0000018e-aa7f-dc75-afde-faff383b0000

De meest bekende communicatie truc. Nederlands hoogste militair kent hem: Op de foto met kinderen, dat vertedert.

Maar wie geeft eigenlijk toestemming voor militaire propaganda naar elf en twaalf jarigen?

Van opgedrongen #oorlogslogica tot opgelegde #militarisering?
https://stopwapenhandel.org/van-opgedrongen-oorlogslogica-tot-opgelegde-militarisering/ Hoe 't tij te keren?

Waar is 't woord 'wapenbeheersing' eigenlijk weggestopt? Afstoffen en toepassen op AI, cyber, hyper, nucleaire, nano & biowapens. Niet alsmaar meer, maar werken aan minder.

Israel admits ‘grave mistake’ after Gaza bombing kills seven aid workers– but charity demands full inquiry.

It raises the question: what about the other 30,000 killed Gazans? Mistake or part of ethnic cleansing?

Toys for the boys? Longing for past heavy armour? Wise financially? Sound policy, military strategically? Or just uniformed nostalgia?

Air defence, #tanks top Dutch military's wish list.https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2024/04/05/air-defense-tanks-top-dutch-militarys-wish-list

As if the history of Ukrainian arms exports is not bad already:

Ukraine needs to liberalize arms exports abroad. If the domestic arms industry can produce, it would be logical and necessary to sell, Vladyslav Belbas, Gen. Dir of Ukrainian Armor LLC said. https://censor.net/en/n3482832

The opposition towards arming Israel gathers strength day by day.

UK civil servants in the Department of Business and Trade involved with arms exports have raised concern over their degree of liability in arms sales.


The expensive and blunt answer to a world in disorder. #Norway to double military spending under ‘historic’ long-term military plan "involving a significant strengthening of all branches of the Armed Forces," said Prime Minister Gahr Støre. #Petrokrone.

Human rights lawyers said on Friday they had filed an urgent appeal against Germany's government to stop exports of war weapons to Israel, citing reasons to believe they were being used in ways violating international humanitarian law in Gaza.

Legal push to stop Germany's arms exports to Israel

April 5

Preliminary investigation of misfired frigate.

Dutch #Thales disclaims responsibility for misfired missile launches on frigate (according to #Danish broadcaster DR https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/indland/foreloebig-undersoegelse-af-fejlramt-fregat-frikender-del-af-luftforsvar): “[It] does not indicate a problem related to the #APAR radar.”



Activisten blokkeren toegang tot Buitenlandse Zaken om militair embargo te eisen.


UK under growing pressure to halt arms exports to #Israel.

Ex-Supreme Court judges among those warning government of risk of international law breach after aid worker deaths.

Britain also supplies around 15% of the #F35 built in the US by #Lockheed Martin.


‘VS willen niet dat #ASML machines in China blijft onderhouden’.

Next week officials of the Biden administration will demand ASML to stop litho machine cooperation with China.

#Veldhoven is the a village in the 51st state?


A minor shift coming?

“What we want to see are some real changes on the #Israeli side,” #US #NSC spokesman John Kirby said. “And, you know, if we don’t see changes from their side, they’ll have to be changes from our side.” https://breakingdefense.com/2024/04/white-house-indicates-arms-sale-changes-on-table-for-israel/

April 4

Waar vind je informatie over Nederlandse wapenhandel met #Israël? Wat zijn de militaire relaties tussen Nederland en Israël? Stop #Wapenhandel heeft jarenlang ervaring met onderzoek naar dit soort informatie.”

We steunen de oproep tot een militair embargo en vinden het belangrijk dat acties en campagnes worden gevoerd op grond van kennis en feiten stelt @CTWnl en “Omdat we graag onze kennis delen organiseren we #workshops over dit onderwerp.” https://stopwapenhandel.org/app/uploads/2024/04/workshop-wapenhandel-online-DEF.pdf

#Indonesia has ordered 2 Scorpene-class #submarines from #France’s #Naval_Group as part of a defence cooperation agreement signed in 2021, the company said Tuesday. The submarines will be built at the Indonesian #PT_Pal shipyard.

Offaly-based Irish Training Solutions has recruited former Army Rangers to train Libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar's troops in an apparent breach of a UN arms embargo. https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/2024/04/03/irishmen-training-army-of-libyan-strongman-khalifa-haftar-in-apparent-breach-of-un-embargo/

Oud-militairen van het Ierse leger hebben de troepen van de Libische warlord Khalifa Haftar getraind, zo blijkt uit onderzoek van The Irish Times. De oud-leden van de Defence Forces werken vanaf 2023 voor Irish Training Solutions, een commercieel huurlingenbedrijf. 

Healthcare workers blockaded #NHS #England’s headquarters today, demanding that it sever ties with #Palantir — a US #spy-tech firm which supplies tech to #Israel’s military and which was first funded by the #CIA. It was awarded a £330m contract by the NHS.

In the years 2014-23 84 incidents of explosive weapons used by #Nigeria were recorded with 797 civilian casualties (444 #killed) & 3238 armed actor #casualties (2971 killed). #Air-launched weapons account for all civilian casualties.

"Israël bombardeert, #Thales profiteert", galmde het gisteren door de straten van #Huizen. Zo'n 40 actievoerders van Extinction Rebellion hebben Thales bezet. "Hier blijven we zitten tot Thales stopt met het leveren van wapens aan #Israël", zeggen ze. https://www.nhnieuws.nl/nieuws/334227/pro-palestina-demonstratie-gaande-tegen-wapenhandel-van-huizer-bedrijf

De Huizer vestiging is niet de enige vestiging die vandaag wordt bezet. Ook #Hengelo, #Delft en #Breda zijn aan de beurt. De actie is onderdeel van een serie internationale acties tegen wapenreus #Thales, waaronder in de #VS, 't #VK (incl, Noord-#Ierland & #Schotland) en #België.

‘Stop met het bewapenen van Israel’, zo luidt het. De demonstranten hebben zich vastgeketend.

“Thales Groep produceert wapens, drones en militaire technologie in samenwerking met de Israëlische militaire industrie. Dat moet stoppen!”, stelt de organisatie.


Tientallen demonstranten hebben zich vanmorgen verzameld bij de hoofdingang van Thales in #Hengelo. Zij demonstreren tegen wapenhandel en laten Palestijnse vlaggen zien. https://www.rtvoost.nl/nieuws/2329272/tientallen-pro-palestina-demonstranten-protesteren-tegen-wapenhandel-voor-ingang-thales

Activisten beschuldigen Thales van leveren militaire onderdelen aan Israël. ‘Bloederige business’. https://www.trouw.nl/binnenland/activisten-beschuldigen-thales-van-leveren-militaire-onderdelen-aan-israel-bloederige-business~be3f8522/

Israeli #Hermes 450 #drone/Zik drone used in Gaza aid strike could be powered by #British-made engine, #CAAT stated.

Pressure mounts to halt arms sales as senior Tory calls airstrike a ‘turning point in #Israel’s collapsing #reputation’.


The Hermes 450 is powered by a UK-made R902(W) Wankel engine, which is produced by Elbit subsidiary UAV Engines Limited in the UK, according to the Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT). https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/not-only-is-our-government-complicit-in-genocide-it-knows-it

The Palestine solidarity movement in Canada has forced the government into a more critical stance on Israel, but the arms embargo suffers from serious loopholes, argues John Clarke.

#UK PM Sunak pressured by lawmakers to suspend arms sales to #Israel. MP's from multiple parties claimed that the UK should end #arms supply to Israel based on their perception that Israel was not following humanitarian law, as the JP worded their concern.

April 3

Family pay tribute to ‘genuine gentleman’ killed by Israeli missile.

IDF chief sorry for ‘mistake’ after strike kills British aid workers. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/04/03/israel-hamas-war-latest-british-aid-workers-gaza-air-strike/#1712134974673

Sorry isn't the hardest word, 'ceasefire' is, it seems.

PM of Israel Netanyahu has called on the country’s military industry to boost local production of weapons amid #growing international calls to stop arming Jerusalem. He said those firms must adapt to the increasing needs of the war against Hamas militants.

"Investeren in #wapens mag niet normaal worden"

Waarom de financiële sector niet in wapens moet investeren. #Triodos


Helpful, isn't it.

The administration of US President Joe Biden is close to approving the supply of up to 50 American-made F-15 fighter jets and ammunition to Israel, in a deal expected to be worth more than $18 billion.


US sanctions targeting #Myanmar’s #arms acquisitions have been imposed regularly since the coup, with specific sanctions on jet #fuel supplies in March & August 2023. These measures should be #coordinated and expanded in light of the surge in air strikes.

April 2

Italian shipbuilder #Fincantieri signed a contract to provide the #Indonesian Navy with two 4900-ton PPA ships, although the government has not yet funded the purchase.

Indonesia is headed by the notorious #Prabowo. Some crimes seem to be easily forgotten.

Who pays for the US-China Tech Trade War?

#China progresses on new techniques to cut reliance on advanced ASML lithography machines.

By applying SAQP to DUV machines, China could make 5-nanometre grade #chips without EUV tools sold only by #ASML.


"While Russia has increased production of key munitions most heavily used in Ukraine, such as artillery shells, the impact of the sanctions is highly likely greatest on Russia’s most advanced and complex weapon systems. These systems in production and development almost certainly have an increased reliance on foreign components and technology," https://twitter.com/DefenceHQ/status/1774738757586997696

Bij zo’n 200.000 jongeren die in 2024 17 zijn of worden valt deze dagen weer de Dienstplichtbrief op de mat. Ook mensen jonger dan 35 jaar die (op)nieuw zijn ingeschreven als Nederlander, krijgen de brief.

Kan je ook weigeren? https://wetten.overheid.nl/BWBR0002386/2020-01-01

April 1

US lawmakers accused the Biden administration of hypocrisy on Friday after it voiced concerns over civilian deaths in Gaza, while approving the transfer of billions of dollars' worth of bombs and fighter jets to Israel.

A man from Oakland is heading to the slammer. Fares Abdo Al Eyani, 41, has been sentenced to one year and a day in prison for his audacious plot to smuggle firearms and night-vision rifle scopes to #Oman. #Optech #US



Corbyn “And our governments still can’t bring themselves to utter the words permanent ceasefire, still can’t bring themselves to stop the grisly, ghastly arms trade with Israel and the supply of weapons," from France, Germany, the UK and the US.

Tailwind for the German arms industry?

There is much demand for tanks, missiles, and ammunition, and Chancellor Scholz is not the only one who wants to see more of them produced in Germany. But it's not as easy as it sounds.


zaterdag 30 maart 2024

My tweets (or X's) for March

 Latest on top (updated regularly):

March 30

Bespreking op broekstukken: Feminist Solutions for Ending War, deel 1 https://broekstukken.blogspot.com/2024/03/feminist-solutions-for-ending-war-deel-1.html en
deel 2 https://broekstukken.blogspot.com/2024/03/feminist-solutions-for-ending-war-deel-2_30.html

US Navy begins #Tomahawk missile training for Japanese forces. https://news.usni.org/2024/03/28/u-s-navy-begins-tomahawk-missile-training-for-japanese-forces

How many articles will appear in the coming month asking is "Is the Japanese Self Defence Force its pacifist policy?" A question asked for the sake of just asking.

Yes it did. #Japan

Open letters written by staff and students have called on the University of #Sydney to cut institutional ties with Israeli universities and companies that directly arm #Israel or collaborate with its military. https://honisoit.com/2024/03/multiple-open-letters-from-staff-and-students-call-on-the-university-of-sydney-to-cut-ties-with-isreal/

Fishing for new personnel at Technological University of #Twente. Hans Scheur from military industry #Thales Nederland will give an invited talk within Master course "5G/6G Communication and Sensing Channels." https://www.utwente.nl/en/news-events/all-events.shtml/2024/4/1431338/invited-talk-modern-radar-at-thales-nl-by-hans-scheur

For years Paris and Jakarta have been negotiating the possible acquisition of 2 to 6 submarines, designed by Naval Group. In recent days, apparently, this file has accelerated, a local correspondent thinks fits conclusion would be very close. https://meta-defense.fr/2024/03/29/scorpene-evolved-naval-group-indonesie/

South #Korea is zooming ahead with the mass production of its KF-21 #fighter jet, and #China won’t be happy. It is set to rival China’s FC-31, proving a threat to Beijing’s #arms_export trade as well as its regional air dominance, experts say. https://www.scmp.com/news/china/military/article/3257066/south-korea-zooming-ahead-mass-production-its-kf-21-fighter-jet-and-china-wont-be-happy

March 29

#AI is bit by bit entering the battlefield.

Israeli military is using artificial intelligence in its ground operations in #Gaza, the head of an Israeli AI firm said, to aid in situational awareness by sorting through the deluge of data. https://breakingdefense.com/2024/03/israels-axon-vision-ceo-talks-ai-in-ground-combat-in-gaza/

#CAAT launches fresh legal action against government's renewed arm sales to #Saudi Arabia

Banken en pensioenfondsen die niet in dit soort #wapenbedrijven willen investeren zijn geen "onderdeel van het probleem", maar willen terecht niet geassocieerd worden met een bedrijfstak die bijdraagt aan oorlog en mensenrechtenschendingen."
https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2024/03/29/wapenhandel-crooks-op-de-klantenlijst-a4194564 #Thales

European Air Defense Needs Drive Strong Demand for Thales Netherlands SMART-L Radar, https://dsm.forecastinternational.com/2024/03/28/european-air-defense-needs-drive-strong-demand-for-smart-l-radar/

Who is getting better because of Israels war in #Gaza?

A CEO of British Aerspace Systems #BAES has seen his share price sell-off boosted by almost £1 million following an increase in his company’s share value since the start of the Gaza-Israel war. https://aoav.org.uk/2024/bae-systems-ceo-made-almost-1m-extra-in-share-sale-after-hike-in-price-since-gaza-war/

Australia challenged on ‘moral failure’ of weapons trade with Israel.

Regular protests have been taking place outside Australian firms making crucial components for the F-35 fighter jet.


Israeli arms company Elbit 'forced to sell’ Tamworth factory in UK.

‘Victory is a direct result of sustained direct action which has sought ... to make it impossible for Elbit to afford to operate in Britain,' says Palestine Action group.



“Honoring our alliances does not mean facilitating mass killing,” Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said, March 22. “We cannot hide from our responsibility any longer.” “Facilitating mass killing” & “responsibility” could include US legal complicity.

Pro-Palestine protesters have occupied the entrance to a Government department in Whitehall over its perceived links to the supply of arms to Israel.

London for a Free Palestine targeted the Department for Business and Trade early on Thursday.

March 28

US Army artillery needs more range, mobility and autonomy, study finds. US General James Rainey said he’s “very interested in #autonomous and #robotic #cannon solutions” for joint forcible entry formations like the 82nd and 101st airborne divisions. https://www.defensenews.com/digital-show-dailies/global-force-symposium/2024/03/27/army-artillery-needs-more-range-mobility-and-autonomy-study-finds/

Over 130 parliamentarians have endorsed a letter addressed to Foreign Secretary David Cameron, calling for a ban on arms exports to Israel. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240327-over-130-british-parliamentarians-urge-govt-to-cease-arms-sales-to-israel/

How many from the 150 Dutch MPs did?

"#Europe is in a prime position to become a military #superpower, buying the latest and the best weaponry."

According to #VonDerLeyen EU countries did spend

2022 €240bn
2023 €280bn &
2024 €350 bn (expected).

Thus a steep increase.


At the #cost of?

Brian Cox and Annie Lennox among celebrities demanding UK government end arms export to Israel.


When will Deutche Prominenzen do the same? (https://twitter.com/martinbroek/status/1772218879621624271)

March 27

Volgens een opiniepeiling van YouGov wil 3/4 van de Belgische bevolking dat er een einde komt aan de wapenhandel tussen België en Israël. Toch leggen de Belgische deelregeringen geen wapenembargo op tegen Israël. Tijd voor actie.

War economy; a warning. Paris may #requisition staff, stock, plants or force arms producers to prioritize military over civilian orders, #French MoD Lecornu said. Requisitions are "the toughest tool in our legal arsenal" he added, but not yet prioritised.

$13m Cash on a private jet: how #Colombia paid for Israeli #spyware. Yair Kulas, the head of the MoD's export assistance department, took part in transactions that raised eyebrows. But Benjamin Netanyahu's new government rescued him. #corruption

The association representing #Canadian military firms says it is in the dark about equipment exports to Israel after the Parliament voted to end military sales to Jeruzalem. The wording is unclear (temporarily & some existing equipment sales may proceed).

Dozens of protesters blocked access to the Port of #Vancouver for hours Thursday morning for several hours, calling for an arms embargo on #Israel. Organizers of the protest said more than 100 people were gathered. [with clip]

Sweden’s #Saab to open new US-based #munitions factory. The site "will support the en­gineering and production of missile weapon systems for the U.S. military, such as components for the Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb #GLSDB system," the company said.


Recep Tayyip #Erdogan led Turkey continued weapons sale and export to #Israel in the midst of the far right regime’s ongoing brutal war against the Palestinians in #Gaza, #West_Bank and other occupied territories, the official government data said. https://ummid.com/news/2024/march/27-03-2024/turkey-sold-weapons-to-israel-in-the-midst-of-the-ongoing-war-govt-data.html

Turkey denies arms exports to Israel amid war on Gaza. https://www.newarab.com/news/turkey-denies-arms-exports-israel-amid-war-gaza

MPs and peers sign letter urging UK government to ban arms sales to Israel.

Ministers under growing pressure to act amid signs Israel intends to ignore UN ceasefire resolution.


#Draft-#dodging is widespread in #Ukraine as Kyiv faces acute soldier shortage. For the 28-year-old Artem, there’s little that could persuade him to enlist. “My mother is a nurse and she sees the wounded and tells me firmly to stay out of it,” he says.

March 26

30 Civil society organizations urge the @EIB to firmly reject increasing support for the military-industrial complex #MIC.

Its public money must be used for its public objectives and addressing people's needs. We say #NoEIBMilitarisation

Full lettere here: https://bit.ly/3PB7bOO

US military magazine Stars & Stripes announces peace demo: Advocating for a world free of warfare, militarism & violence, organizers in a statement called for immediate ceasefire & peace negotiations, particularly in regions like Ukraine & the Middle East. https://www.stripes.com/ktown/2024-03-25/easter-peace-protest-kaiserslautern-13423753.html

UN rights expert report to call for #Israel #arms #embargo over ‘acts of genocide’.

Special rapporteur will tell human rights council Israel’s actions ‘reveal an intent to #physically #destroy Palestinians as a group’.


War who is it good for?

In a war economy with a burgeoning demand for arms domestically, #Russian #arms exports have taken a massive hit. The vacuum left by Russia, however, has been filled by a country that was looking to expand arms sales: #France.


Why is #Japan changing its ban on exporting lethal #weapons & why is it so controversial?

Japan’s Cabinet OK’d a plan to sell modern #fighters abroad, its latest step away from the principles the country adopted at the end of World War II. https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/15210079

March 25

#Germany may be revealing itself to be a somewhat unreliable partner in the respect to the countries it supplies with #arms, with its unrestrained industries seemingly having no qualms in dealing with #Gulf states with problematic human rights records.

A suppressed official report on alleged #corruption in a giant #UK-#Saudi #arms contract has been discovered in a public archive, ending a three-decade battle by campaigners for the controversial document to be revealed. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/24/al-yamamah-arms-deal-report-discovery-anti-corruption-mod-nao-britain-saudi-arabia

Amid arms embargo calls: 99% of Israeli weapon imports are from US & Germany. SIPRI's finds US arms make up 69%. 30% Come from Berlin. All IAF manned aircraft are US-made (except 1 French-built heli).

So German when do you take the necessary step?

Advanced military technology for sale.

An insight on the talks between the #UAE and #MBDA Deutschland GmbH for cooperation on military laser technology, and the Emirati entities involved. [Paywall] https://www.tacticalreport.com/daily/62625

#Rheinmetall has signed a $3bn deal to supply the #German armed forces with up to 123 8×8 carriers. They will be based on Rheinmetall’s #Boxer Combat Reconnaissance Vehicle and will be equipped with an MK30-2 ABM automatic cannon as its main weapon.

March 23

#Elbit is facing a second wave of action over its genocidal Bristol activities

Shut it down!


March 22

Italy’s Arms Export Boom: No Emergency, Ma’am

Italian exports have soared: +86% in 5 years. “Purely profit-driven,” says Francesco Vignarca coordinator of the Italian branch of Control Arms


Mapisa-Nqakula, who was South African MoD from 2012 to 2021, and is accused of receiving millions of rand in cash as #bribes from a unnamed #military #contractor when she was defence minister. She has vehemently denied denied wrongdoing.

#ENAAT arms export browser updated with information with the most recent data for 2021 and 2022.

March 21

With the destruction of the final remaining stockpiles of declared chemical weapons in 2023, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) must adjust to a new role, a new report by Dr Ian Anthony for SIPRI explains. https://www.sipri.org/publications/2024/policy-reports/centre-chemistry-and-technology-and-future-opcw

Nederland schaft voor ruim € 150m munitie aan voor F-16’s Oekraïne. Nederland doneert ook ruim € 200m op 't gebied van drones.

Netherlands acquiring ammunition for Ukrainian F-16's valued at + € 150m and donates € 200m for Ukrainian drones. https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/actueel/nieuws/2024/03/20/nederland-schaft-voor-ruim-%E2%82%AC-150-miljoen-munitie-aan-voor-f-16s-oekraine

Military imports from Canada represent just 0.05% of Israel's total defense imports but there are hopes that other countries might follow suit. https://en.globes.co.il/en/article-concerns-in-israel-that-canadian-arms-embargo-will-snowball-1001474366

Retweet @Counter_Balance: We stand against mounting pressure on the
@EIB to increase support for the military-industrial complex. Public money should be tackling the cost of living crisis & climate emergency, not fuel the arms race & corporate profits. #EUCO #NoEIBMilitarisation https://twitter.com/Counter_Balance/status/1770748577926570458

Policeman of the world warns the rest.

US Departments of Commerce Treasury & Justice issued a Note emphasizing non-US persons’ obligations to comply with US sanctions & export control laws & the potential enforcement actions that may result from failing to do so. https://www.arnoldporter.com/en/perspectives/advisories/2024/03/compliance-with-us-sanctions-and-export-control-laws

US Deps jointly issued a Tri-Seal Compliance Note putting non-US companies on notice that US sanctions and export controls may apply to them and that they must comply with applicable US sanctions and export controls or face severe penalties. https://www.dlapiper.com/en-us/insights/publications/2024/03/us-government-reminds-non-us-companies-to-comply-with-sanctions-and-export-controls

Sanders says US must follow suit after Canada halts arms exports to Israel.

"The U.S. should not provide another nickel for Netanyahu's war machine," said Sen. Bernie Sanders.

March 20

When the military budgets reach the sky so are the programs paid with them.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is working with Northrop Grumman to flesh out a concept for a moon-based railroad network.


Who are Israel's biggest arms suppliers and who has halted exports? Aid & sales to the country have been under intense scrutiny as int. organisations accuse it of war crimes.

Support from US, Germany, UK, Italy.
'Bans' in Canada, Japan, NL, and Spain.

A loud voice to create a climate against activism is the government’s independent adviser on political violence & disruption, John Woodcock. This former Labour MP turned arms-trade lobbyist, using his position to call for a harsher crackdown on protesters.

Hundreds of trade unionists and workers have shut down arms factories in England and Scotland accused of supplying the Israeli military with essential components or weapons.

Corruption in miltiary business is more the rule than the exception. #Lithuania’s Special Investigation Service #STT says it has summoned the country’s outgoing MoD Anušauskas for questioning, following his allegations of corruption in defence procurement.

#Belgium approved additional military aid of $448 million for #Ukraine, including artillery rounds (value € 373.1). A total of € 412m in #ammunition will be sourced from Belgian military stocks and international group purchase from various companies.

NAVO-lidstaten beheersen driekwart van de internationale wapenhandel.

Due to conflict with Houtis in Red Sea and Ukrainian deliverances #MBDA under pressure to rebuild Aster missile production capacity.

Why not?


The UK must ban Israeli military flights and commercial flights transporting supplies.

Boycotters right:

It came as a shock that the US army is a major sponsor of what is a prestigious, international alternative music jamboree, the #SXSW festival. But the event is also supported by companies that are in the business of #arms production. https://www.hotpress.com/opinion/irish-artists-taking-a-stand-for-gaza-we-need-to-keep-the-pressure-on-23014447

Vakbond, wapenindustrie, SPD: één front?

Voorm. SPD politica Fahimi, nu voorzitter vakbondskoepel DGB, stelt dat het niet de tijd is voor fundamentele debatten en kritiek op het kapitalisme; het is nu de tijd voor effectief optreden in de reële wereld.” https://www.globalinfo.nl/achtergrond/vakbond-wapenindustrie-socialistische-partij-een-front/

Canada to halt arms sales to Israel.

Many other countries to go!

Min. Oleksandr Kamyshin: "(...) this war requires a consumption of ammo that no country in the free world can provide on its own."

(It is the question if the unfree are).

Here lies a danger: "Weapons production should not stop even after the war is over."https://english.nv.ua/nation/kyiv-and-its-partners-have-increased-ammunition-production-but-still-not-enough-50367610.html

Wow a view from Washington. "#Ukraine manufactured practically no weapons before Russia invaded in Feb. 22, but the local arms #industry is now booming."

Compared to the US all others are minor arms producers.

Overview in Dutch: https://stopwapenhandel.org/app/uploads/2016/03/oekraine.pdf

Arms production in Ukraine tripled in 2023. The state began the production of missiles with a range of more than 643.7 km, as well as analogues of HIMARS systems.


March 19

The slippery slope of arms export regulation change in an industrial giant:

#Japan set to lift export restrictions on F-X fighter jet. https://www.defensenews.com/global/asia-pacific/2024/03/18/japan-set-to-lift-export-restrictions-on-f-x-fighter-jet/
Improving peace and security?

Japan has abandoned decades of pacifism in response to Ukraine invasion and increased Chinese pressure on Taiwan. https://theconversation.com/japan-has-abandoned-decades-of-pacifism-in-response-to-ukraine-invasion-and-increased-chinese-pressure-on-taiwan-225098

Bernie Sanders in Foreign Affairs:

A Revolution in American Foreign Policy

Replacing Greed, Militarism, and Hypocrisy With Solidarity, Diplomacy, and Human Rights

“The biggest challenges of our times, from climate change to global pandemics, will require cooperation, solidarity, and collective action, not militarism”.

Het ministerie van BuZa in Den Haag is besmeurd met rode verf. Voor de besmeurde ramen en deur is een lint gespannen. Een actiegroep verklaart dat het is gedaan omdat de Nederlandse overheid medeplichtig is 'aan de genocide in Palestina'.

EU Regulation in Support of Ammunition Production #ASAP to reinforce & ramp up ammo production has named partners based in Belgium, Czechia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden

EU sprinkles $560 million over defense firms to grow ammunition output.

What else is possible?

After the outbreak of war in 2022, the faction of Swedish Left Party against sending anti-tank missiles to Ukraine had the upper hand. Now the party changed its stance. Nooshi Dadgostars view won to deliver Ukraine more arms.


Is Macron pushing the EU to rethink NATO leadership in Ukraine? A dragged-out war, a boon for the US, will leave Europe drained and weaker as a geopolitical player. By suggesting Western troops in Ukraine, he pointed on the unviability of NATO’s strategy.

The heroes of ethnic cleansing.

Partner of NATO (https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/news_223720.htm) president Ilham Aliyev is of the opinion that the anti-terror operation against Armenians was a triumph of indomitable spirit of Azerbaijani people. https://www.news.az/news/president-ilham-aliyev-anti-terror-operation-was-triumph-of-indomitable-spirit-of-azerbaijani-people

March 18

Berlin the next Paris for Dehli?

Germany’s interest in the Indo-Pacific and the growing Indian market for defense products, particularly its desire to diversify from Russia, are now important elements of its interest.

War what is it good for?

#Thales, #Dassault Aviation and #MBDA all conducted their annual investor events over the last two weeks, with the three firms collectively announcing revenues of €27.7bn in 2023, a massive haul for #France’s defense sector.


Economising on human security, while the military expenditures go through the roof:

NATO lauds ‘unprecedented’ jump in defense spending, new members and public popularity.

“defence spending rising by an unprecedented 11%

March 17


UK intelligence explains in a few words why #Russian #arms exports have #decreased worldwide. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/03/17/7446847/

Remarkably the failure of much of its weaponry and pressure to replace arms imports from Russia by acquisitions in the West lags in this short overview.

March 16

Retweet @RetePaceDisarmo: There is little clarity surrounding arms sales: "With the (proposed) changes, decisions (on exports) will be more political and transparency will be reduced" We think that all outstanding arms contracts to #Israel needed to be suspended https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/italy-arms-exports-israel-continued-despite-block-minister-says-2024-03-14/

Nieuwe onderzeeërs op land

Een vd grootste vernieuwingen vindt CDR Kwak de wapensystemen. “We kunnen straks naast torpedo’s ook kruisvluchtwapens inzetten.” Deze #Tomahawk-raketten, die Defensie nog niet heeft, kunnen doelen op 1.500 km afstand aanvallen. https://magazines.defensie.nl/allehens/2024/02/02_nieuwe-onderzeeboten

De miljarden rollen van de helling:

Defensie werkt aan nog meer marine schepen: de vervanging van de Luchtverdedigings- en Commandofregatten en, parallel lopend, de vervanging van de amfibische LPD's en de OceanGoing Patrol Vessels (OPV's). https://magazines.defensie.nl/allehens/2024/02/07_nieuw-lcf-lpd-opv

‘Russian arms exports are not going to recover to levels that we saw before’ — SIPRI’s
@Pwezeman was interviewed on global arms transfers in this external article by @Newsweek https://www.newsweek.com/russia-drops-third-arms-trade-exports-sipri-weapons-1876981

Zomaar effies zomaar een vraag voor een zaterdagochtend:

Tuimelen we Wereldoorlog III in?


Het artikel sluit af met: Serieuze diplomatieke onderhandelingen zijn nu essentieel om tot de kern te komen van wat er nodig is om vrede te brengen in Oekraïne.

The military isn’t properly tracking what happens to the billions’ worth of weapons being sent to Ukraine, even though the country has a history of illicit arms diversions.

#Rabat is helping Iraeli war industry.

#Israel is the 3rd largest supplier of #arms to #Morocco (11%). Morocco has stepped up its imports from Israel considerably since the signing of the Abraham Accords in December 2020. https://en.globes.co.il/en/article-israel-major-arms-supplier-to-morocco-philippines-1001473617

The EU’s foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell on Tuesday condemned the lack of aid entering Gaza as “man-made” disaster in which starvation is being used as a weapon of war. https://www.arabnews.com/node/2475886/amp

According to many that is what is needed to defend civilisation. How civil it is.

Killer drones from Israel IAI: buy them all. Advertisement ➔


Italian firm #Fincantieri has teamed up with Emirati defense conglomerate #Edge Group to build and sell naval vessels to #non-NATO countries. The venture aims to take advantage of the UAE relations with other states.

25 Groups demand #Biden 'Urgently comply with US law' and end #Israel #arms sales.

  • Airwars
  • American Friends Service Committee
  • Amnesty International USA
  • Anera 
  • Arms Control Association 
  • Center for Civilians in Conflict
  • Center for International Policy



Wonder why #France is second largest global arms exporter? Arabian autocrats love to buy in Paris and the French MIC is willing to provide.

Safran has secured a contract to provide support for #Qatar’s #Rafale #fighter jet engines. https://www.safran-group.com/pressroom/safran-aircraft-engines-and-qatar-armed-forces-sign-support-agreement-m88-engines-2024-03-04

#India inaugurated the flight to exports to #Armenia strategic air cargo. #HALCON, formed by #HAL & Container Corp India #CONCOR, is doing so.

The flight marks a game-changing moment in India’s logistics infrastructure& strategic export capabilities. https://greekcitytimes.com/2024/03/14/armenia-atags-artillery-system/

Bombed by what you've paid your taxes for.

UK & US organisations say Israeli officials have offered 6 different explanations as to why #Gaza compound in safe zone was hit. But the bombing on British #doctors was likely with #UK and #US arms.


MINISTERS have refused to rule out the possibility that UK had supplied military equipment involved in the bombing of doctors volunteering in Gaza.

“stop putting the profits of arms dealers before Palestinian lives...& halt all arms exports to Israel.”

"The bottom line is that the US is spending far too much on the #Pentagon, much of it...likely to cause far more harm than good. It’s time to reverse course, but neither the White House nor a majority in Congress are likely to do so of their own accord" https://responsiblestatecraft.org/pentagon-budget-2667494544/

Already seen? Pieter D. Wezeman, Katarina Djokic, Mathew George, Zain Hussain and Siemon T. Wezeman, "Trends in International Arms Transfers, 2023," SIPRI, March 2024. https://www.sipri.org/media/press-release/2024/european-arms-imports-nearly-double-us-and-french-exports-rise-and-russian-exports-fall-sharply

Report in English: https://doi.org/10.55163/PBRP4239


Dergelijke ernstige verhalen blijven maar komen.

Belgische leger in opspraak: peloton opgeheven na seksuele vernederingen en geweld tegen rekruten. De soldaten werden onder druk gezet om te zwijgen over hun lotgevallen. https://www.volkskrant.nl/buitenland/belgische-leger-in-opspraak-peloton-opgeheven-na-seksuele-vernederingen-en-geweld-tegen-rekruten~b57d13ec/

The UK Telegraph identified 5 ships likely for arms traffic laundering: the Daisy, Kashan, Shiba, Arezoo & Azargoun. They carried goods to Syria from Iran, with several being recorded as docked at the ports (in Belgium, Spain & Italy) named in the report. https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/iran-news/article-792080

@TNInstitute Associate Boris Kagarlitsky and all other Russian anti-war political prisoners! - Sign the Petition! https://chng.it/jF6tsyMH via @Change. https://www.change.org/p/free-boris-kagarlitsky-and-all-other-russian-anti-war-political-prisoners-fc3b6b8e-2cb7-4bee-b40d-415211c9167d

March 14

‘Ja, Poetin is een schoft', maar is dat reden om weer een munitiefabriek te starten in Brabant? "laten we alsjeblieft niet zelf aan een oorlogseconomie beginnen." https://www.bd.nl/den-bosch/ja-poetin-is-een-schoft-maar-is-dat-reden-om-weer-een-munitiefabriek-te-starten-in-brabant~aaacb901/

March 13

The spread of military industrial production capacity is one of the business models of a sector claiming to protect us.

Emirati defense giant EDGE Group teams with Spain’s Indra to dive into advanced radar market

The agreement speaks "volumes about EDGE’s resolve to develop sound domestic production capabilities of next-gen radar systems in the short term and to position itself as a competitive radar production hub regionally in the long run," one analyst told Breaking Defense. https://breakingdefense.com/2024/03/emirati-defense-giant-edge-group-teams-with-spains-indra-to-dive-into-advanced-radar-market/

Just before the UK government’s Security & Policing fair was set to begin, activists from Palestine Action staged a protest at the London offices of the #ADS Group, highlighting its involvement in the arms trade and its connections to the conflict in Gaza. https://bnnbreaking.com/breaking-news/protests/palestine-action-protests-against-ads-group-ahead-of-security-policing-arms-fair

Government budgetting is the order of the day, except for...

Dutch government plans order the French Naval Group to build 4 new subs equiped with the latest spy equipment & weaponry. An amount of € 4-6 bn is at stake, sources close to the government told. https://nltimes.nl/2024/03/12/dutch-government-ordered-four-submarines-french-state-company-naval-eu6-bil-deal

Oxfam Denmark, Amnesty International Denmark, Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke (Action Aid Denmark) and the Palestinian human rights organization Al-Haq are suing the Danish National Police and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to stop Danish arms exports to Israel. https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/oxfam-sues-danish-state-stop-arms-exports-israel

“With NATO Membership Official, Significant Business Opportunities Are Now Available to Swedish Companies” https://www.globaltradeandsanctionslaw.com/sweden-nato-membership-business-opportunities-companies/

Kritiek op oorlogstrom groeit.

Wat veel politici missen in hun omgang met de oorlog in Oekraïne is realiteitszin. Het is een misvatting om enkel de militaire kaart te spelen. Uiteindelijk gaat het erom het voortbestaan van Oekraïne veilig te stellen. https://archive.ph/Dxz1M#selection-1205.0-1205.219

March 12

#EDA stated the #Netherlands & #Austria will build a satellite for both Low & Very Low Orbit. The #LEO2VLEO: Military Crisis-Response #Satellite Constellation project, value € 10m, is planned to launch/operate up to 4 satellites to support #military ops.

The #US is constantly assessing the need to expand export controls to stop #China from acquiring advanced computer #chips and manufacturing equipment that could be used to boost its military, US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said Monday.

March 11

Anti-corruption campaigners are demanding an inquiry into claims that the government authorised bribes to a Saudi Arabian prince and other officials after two defence executives were cleared of wrongdoing.

On 5th and 6th March 2024, campaigners #blockaded access to the Bristol arms fair. The Future Indirect Fires and Joint Military Training & Simulation Stream conferences were taking place in Bristol. Companies present included Elbit Systems and BAE Systems.

"Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater, has appeared in yet another UN report on sanctions violations, this time in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)."

Report: US secretly sent #Israel 100+ #arms shipments in last 150 days. They include precision-guided munitions, small bombs, bunker busters, small arms, etc. the Washington Post reported.

Does this have implications for EU arms export controls to the US?

2 Men arrested for conspiring to #illegally export millions of dollars’ worth of fully automatic rifles, grenade launchers, Stinger missile systems, hand grenades, sniper rifles, ammunition, and other export-controlled items from the US to South #Sudan.

A subsidiary of @ElbitSystemsLtd US will supply the US Army shot-spotting #sensors to be mounted to watch towers, surveillance aerostats, drones etc. The contract with Logos Technologies also accounts for maintenance & operation at @USAfricaCommand.

Algerije zoekt nieuwe wapenleveranciers in crisis met Marokko nu Rusland als leverancier steeds meer wegvalt.

Accused of facilitating #bribes for a #Saudi prince & his associates to secure a significant military contract for GPT, a UK firm, 2 accused were acquitted by a jury, because the payments were known and sanctioned by branches of the UK & Saudi governments.

Nederland heeft zelf de keuze gemaakt de handelsoorlog van de VS tegen China volgen ten koste van een van z'n belangrijkste technologie bedrijven. Washington boven Veldhoven.

ASML zou overwegen om uit te breiden over de grens, bijvoorbeeld in Frankrijk.

Arms control or arms export?

#Carl_Gustaf Weapon System to be ‘Made in India’ for India & the World

Registered as an Indian company, it plans to make components for the world & after fulfilling the Indian requirement & to export the Carl-Gustaf globally.


#Brighton and Hove City Council has stalled plans to let an #F35 parts manufacturer set up shop. It’s thanks to politicians and activists. #Israel #Gaza

#Dutch #Damen invests €23 mln in its Romanian shipyard at #Galati.

#Belgian #arms exports to #Israel: The discrepancy between words and deeds in export control policy. @Vredesactie and @IPISResearch take a critical look at Belgium’s policy on the export and transit of defense-related goods and dual-use goods to Israel.

#Arms exports from #Switzerland fell by more than a quarter last year. Critics blame the country’s neutral stance, which has blocked re-exports of Swiss weapons and ammunition to Ukraine, according to Reuters.

The EU’s executive branch has proposed a €1.5 billion plan to boost defense production by promoting joint military purchases among the member states. Ukraine would be able to participate in common procurement efforts.

At what cost?

EU Ramps Up Arms Production in Historic Shift to War Economy Against Rising Threats. https://www.btimesonline.com/articles/164564/20240306/eu-ramps-up-arms-production-in-historic-shift-to-war-economy-against-rising-threats.htm

News release: https://defence-industry-space.ec.europa.eu/first-ever-defence-industrial-strategy-and-new-defence-industry-programme-enhance-europes-readiness-2024-03-05_en

European Defence Industrial Strategy: https://defence-industry-space.ec.europa.eu/eu-defence-industry/edis-our-common-defence-strategy_en

European Defence Industry Programme: https://defence-industry-space.ec.europa.eu/eu-defence-industry/edip-future-defence_en

#Boeing gets $439 million contract for US #military communications #satellite.

War is also business.

#Hamas snipers are using telescopic sights produced by a #US company which openly sells to #Iran, Haaretz found. #Element_Optics sights were affixed to AM-50 Sayyad sniper rifles. The AM-50 is a heavy rifle made in Iran.

If you are counting on Pyongyang for weaponry. #Russia

Ukraine military official: half of all North #Korean #shells are #duds.

North Korean artillery shells cannot be accurately aimed, South Korean military expert says.

#Sweden’s arms exports rose 18% in 2023 to reach 1.6 billion euros as the #Russia-#Ukraine war drove a search for #weaponry, a government agency said last week.

All in the interest of peace and security?

The US and EU are supplying the most weapons to the Middle East, including to Israel, as the Gaza war threatens to ignite a regional conflict.


#China cuts arms imports to rely more on its own weapons tech but #Russia still biggest overseas supplier.

#Ukraine remains a big source of gas turbines and engines for Chinese destroyers and aircraft.

Article based on #SIPRI


#European arms imports nearly double, US and French exports rise, and #Russian exports fall sharply.

No unforeseen news, but nethertheless ...

EXCLUSIVE: #F35A officially certified to carry #nuclear bomb

The designation marks the first time that a stealth fighter can carry a nuclear weapon, in this case the B61-12 #thermonuclear gravity bomb.

FD Podcast: Gaat de Nederlandse economie in de oorlogsstand? En wat is dat eigenlijk precies, een #oorlogseconomie? Je hoort het van algemeen verslaggever Jean Dohmen.

Analysis of crypto records by the Guardian and investigative journalists #ICIJ highlights a connection between one of the most prominent cryptocurrency companies and Jonatan #Zimenkov, an Israeli-born Russian national and #arms dealer. #Copper_Technologies

Crypto firm moved $4.2m of assets to digital wallet linked to alleged Russian arms dealer.

A new analysis of transactions shows a link between Copper Technologies and Jonatan Zimenkov, who was later hit with U.S. sanctions over Russia’s Ukraine invasion. https://www.icij.org/inside-icij/2024/03/crypto-firm-moved-4-2m-of-assets-to-digital-wallet-linked-to-alleged-russian-arms-dealer/

The #Saudi Ministry of Defense (MoD) is said to be embarking on a new era of space defense initiatives, with a specific focus on integrating artificial intelligence (#AI).

Those willing to help behind Paywall.

Russian cargo ship returns to North Korean port in sign of arms trade restart.

Shipping operation alleged to provide DPRK weapons for use against Ukraine had appeared to be on pause for a month.

#Kuwait is poised to take delivery of the remaining 13 Eurofighter #EFA #Typhoon fighter jets within the next 18 months, further solidifying its air warfare capabilities.

March 4

Glad IDF cares about lives of people and animals. Unfortunately not for all humans.
"In an effort to avoid harming soldiers and dogs, the IDF has been experimenting with the use of robots and remote-controlled dogs in the Gaza War."

De #Franse #wapenindustrie, na de VS de grootste ter wereld, zou kunnen profiteren van leveringen aan #Oekraïne. Maar dan moet de Franse regering wel toezeggingen nakomen, m.n. vorig jaar door Macron aangekondigde investeringen ter waarde van +€400 mrd.

March 3

Nederlandse wapenexporten volgens EU External Action (de diplomatieke dienst van de Unie) tussen 2013 en 20222: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/eeasqap/sense/app/75fd8e6e-68ac-42dd-a078-f616633118bb/sheet/8dc0236a-e9a3-41b5-b4a1-3e2d096a0274/state/analysis

Stop wapenleveranties!

Zou er geen Nederlandse Parlementariër onder de lijst met honderden volksvertegenwoordigers uit België, Duitsland, Frankrijk, Ierland, Portugal, Spanje en VK e.a. willen?

Collega's uit de alle buurlanden staan er wel tussen. @TweedeKamerTwit #IsraelGazaWar

Retweet @nikiashton: Mar 1, Canada sent $28 million worth of weaponry to Israel amid its ongoing massacre of Palestinians in Gaza. That is horrifying. Which is why I along with @jeremycorbyn and 200+ parliamentarians across the world are backing @ProgIntl call for a ban on arms exports to Israel.
Replying to @nikiashton @jeremycorbyn and @ProgIntl

Just two U.S. lawmakers—Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Cori Bush (D-Mo.)—backed the statement. https://www.commondreams.org/news/lawmakers-arms-embargo-israel

The Database on German Arms Trade wants to improve transparency. In the database there is information on the industries and export data, and more source on individual deliverances.

All in all Quite useful. http://ruestungsexport-info.de/no_cache/en/database-german-arms-trade.html

Finnish MoD Antti Häkkänen called on Western countries to increase support for Ukraine. Earlier, the Czech Republic reported the discovery of 800,000 artillery shells outside the EU. Prague asked other EU & NATO members to finance the purchase. https://menafn.com/1107926955/Minister-Of-Defense-Of-Finland-Funds-To-Support-Military-Equipment-In-Ukraine-Must-Be-Found-Immediately

March 2

#Nigeria is bolstering its military transport capabilities by acquiring four CN235-220 (originating in #Spain, CASA/Airbus) multipurpose aircraft from #Indonesia. https://politicsnigeria.com/breaking-indonesian-aerospace-firm-to-supply-four-transport-aircraft-to-nigerian-military/

See this piece on the start of the CN-235 in Indonesia https://stopwapenhandel.org/app/uploads/2010/10/Indonesia_0.pdf pp 68-71.

Despite Turkish military role in the region the US Senate on Thursday overwhelmingly voted 13-79 against a resolution that would have blocked a $23 billion F-16 sale to Turkey that the Biden administration approved last month. https://www.defensenews.com/congress/2024/02/29/turkey-f-16-sale-to-proceed-after-senate-vote/

The question on so many lips is why the UK continues to sell arms and fraternise with Qatar in spite of corruption and myriad misdoings, but the answer cannot simply be economic self-interest. Why? https://bmmagazine.co.uk/business/the-uk-continues-to-sell-arms-to-qatar-despite-corruption-and-misuse-why/

SNP MPs have joined with hundreds of parliamentarians from 13 countries which export arms or weapons parts to Israel calling for an immediate end to the practice. https://www.thenational.scot/news/24156485.hundreds-mps-across-world-call-end-israeli-arms-exports/

#Netherlands supplies #Ukraine with fast #vessels, like inflatables, patrol vessels & combat boats. The Hague is also contributing €250m to the #Czech initiative to order large numbers of artillery shells for Ukraine, according to a governmental letter. https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/actueel/nieuws/2024/03/01/nederland-doneert-vaartuigen-aan-oekraine

#Boeing has agreed to pay $51 million for violating exports #controls of military technology, including employees in #China downloading sensitive data from numerous defense aircraft and missiles. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/01/business/boeing-fine-violating-arms-export-act/index.html

Major Powers Among Non-Signatories of Mine Ban Treaty https://www.statista.com/chart/31838/mine-ban-treaty-countries/

A New Microchip Construction Boom in the US?

Trade war on China policy pays off (if you neglect middle and long term effects)? https://www.statista.com/chart/31834/new-projects-in-semiconductor-manufacturing-in-the-united-states/

#Boeing has agreed to pay $51 million for violating exports #controls of military technology, including employees in #China downloading sensitive data from numerous defense aircraft and missiles. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/01/business/boeing-fine-violating-arms-export-act/index.html

A major arms production hub located in the city of Dzerzhinsk in Russia’s Nizhny Novgorod region is reported to have been targeted in a Ukrainian drone strike overnight. https://www.newsweek.com/ukraine-drones-attack-russian-sverdlov-plant-1874975

Mexico in Numbers: Illegal weapons trafficking. Article with a load of figures on small arms in Mexico coming from the United Sates. https://mexiconewsdaily.com/news/mexico-in-numbers-illegal-weapons-trafficking/ Unfortunately, the countries where fire arms are coming from having a non-US origin are not mentioned.

March 1

#Italy: Amending current law to facilitate arms exports

The Italian Senate approved a controversial bill giving the government the power to decide whether to export arms. It #removes a series of #controls and #parliamentary debates. https://www.atlasofwars.com/italy-amending-current-law-to-facilitate-arms-exports/

Thnx to @kkvignarca

#Climate change could unearth, disturb Cold War-era #nuclear waste buried by the US, officials say.

Long-term environmental changes were not taken into account during disposal. (with video)


Who will follow

Colombia’s President Petro on Thursday announced to suspended arms imports from Israel and called on a global boycott of Israel. Hereby he responded to a massacre of more than a hundred Palestinians in Gaza.


't Kabinet gaat Nederlandse bedrijven opdracht geven voor de bouw van 4 fregatten. Dat meldde RTL Nieuws 29/2 op basis van Haagse bronnen. 't Besluit over de investering – waarmee tot €8 mrd gemoeid zou zijn – ligt volgens RTL vrijdag bij de ministerraad.

The Netherlands plans to order four new air-defense frigates for more than €3.5 billion (U.S. $3.8 billion) to replace its current fleet, Dutch State Secretary of Defense Christophe van der Maat said in a letter to parliament Friday. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2024/03/01/netherlands-plans-four-new-air-defense-frigates/