zondag 14 januari 2018

Week 2 in #wapenhandel25tweets

(Gaarne 'liken' of delen als je het nuttig of interessant vindt.)

Onder de volgende tekst – waarin één of meer tweets zijn verwerkt – staan de 25 tweets van deze week.

Tweets over de Verenigde Staten plaat ik nooit in dit overzicht. De Verenigde Staten zijn al dominant aanwezig. Deze week heb ik het lemma VS wel opgenomen. In het begin van de week verklaarde de Trump administratie zijn intentie om de buitenlandse diplomatie meer in te gaan zetten voor wapenverkopen en later in de week werd een volgende stap gezet in het verminderen van de controle op kleine wapens.

De ontwikkelingen in het land dat goed is voor de helft van alle wapenverkopen zal zich waarschijnlijk als een olievlek over de wereld gaan verspreiden. Wapenexportcontrole is van alle tijden, maar het verdwijnen ervan ook. Als de VS het hek van de dam haalt, dan zal de druk van Europese bedrijven voor een gelijk speelveld toe gaan nemen en zal ook hier de wapenexportcontrole nog meer onder druk komen te staan.

Elke generatie denkt het beter te weten.
dan de vorige generaties, maakt eendere fouten.
Oorlog volgt op vrede, vrede volgt weer op oorlog.

Held van het Labyrint, Griekse Mythen, Imme Dros

In deze 25teets ook een doorlichting van de Pentagon C ontracts. Ik doe dit jaarlijks. Wat opvalt is dat het vooral gaat om raketten, de F-35 (JSF) en wederom het oplappen van Abrams tanks (daarover later deze week meer).

Nederland (zie ook 22-25)

2 – 090118: Why is this US, French & Chinese news, but not #Dutch reported info while the ship fitted with those missiles and torpedo's is build in Flushing?
#Mexico Washington en passe d'approuver la vente au Mexique de près de 100 millions de dollars d'armements http://www.dsca.mil/major-arms-sales/mexico-harpoon-block-ii-missiles-ram-missiles-and-mk-54-torpedoes

3 – 080118: Court decisions in case of Dutch transportation company charged with breaching EU's Russia embargo with shipment of military goods from Malaysia through Schiphol - via @WTControls http://www.worldtradecontrols.com/shipping-criminal-liability-the-difficult-position-of-the-transportation-logistics-sector/

4 – 080118: Greetje Witte-Rang over veiligheid en de kerk: als het daarover gaat, kan je niet heen om wapenproductie en wapenhandel, klimaatverandering, etc. "Veiligheidsbeleid dat die zaken niet meeneemt, is gedoemd te mislukken." https://www.nd.nl/nieuws/opinie/strijd-voor-een-rechtvaardige-vrede.2898886.lynkx#.WlNPRNLcplU.twitter

5 – 080118: broekstukken: US Defense Contracts with Dutch participation 2017. Much is F-35 related. But also Standard and Sea Sparrow missiles. http://broekstukken.blogspot.com/2018/01/us-defense-contracts-with-dutch.html

EUROPA (zie 15, 26)


6 – 130118: Merkel strikes deal with SPD: Page 26 of agreement (http://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/2018-01/Gesamtdokument-Stand-121-1-10-15.pdf in German) contains a promise, apparently targeting Saudi Arabia, a major buyer of German arms, not to export arms to countries involved in the war in Yemen. http://www.tribuneindia.com/news/world/merkel-strikes-deal-with-spd/527848.html


Frankrijk (zie 20, 21)
Griekenland (zie 10-12)
Italië (zie 28)


8 – 120118: Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide: Stanset våpensalg til Emiratene etter drap på Jemens ekspresident Norway's UAE arms embargo linked to Yemen ex-leader's murder https://www.nrk.no/norge/soreide_-_-stanset-vapensalg-til-emiratene-etter-drap-pa-jemens-ekspresident-1.13854128

Oostenrijk (zie 21)

Roemenië (zie 24-25)

9 – 080118: Detailed description on how #Erdogan takes total control of #Turkish defense industry https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2018/01/turkey-erdogan-assumes-turkish-defense-industry.html

10 – 110118: #Greek Coast Guard seizes explosives-packed freighter bound for #Libya - Xinhua | http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2018-01/11/c_136886131.htm#0-twi-1-74528-7250227817ecdff034dc9540e6c766

11 – 110118: 'Moving bomb' ship loaded in Mersin Turkey. Stopped at the Cretan port of Iraklion. http://www.news.com.au/world/breaking-news/moving-bomb-ship-stopped-in-crete/news-story/bf825d0d1f4cb79cecd7a151fdbced8c#.z49cb via @newscomauHQ

12 – 110118: Turkey launches investigation of Libyan-bound ship seized by Greece states it was bound for Ethiopia. http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turkey-launches-investigation-of-libyan-bound-ship-seized-by-greece-125667


13 – 100118: Yemen rebels release F-15 ‘shoot down’ footage | Jane's 360 presumes it is an Tornado. http://www.janes.com/article/76921/yemen-rebels-release-f-15-shoot-down-footage#.WlYLyUz6468.twitter



14 – 130118: India buys arms worth about $1.5 billion from Israel, accounting for about a sixth of the production of Israel's armament industry. https://www.telegraphindia.com/business/israel-open-to-defence-deal-terms-200751#.WlnlfUYhKiE.twitter

Israël (zie 14)
Jemen (zie 6, 8, 13)
Libië (zie 10-12)
Malesië (zie 3)
Mexico (zie 1-2)
Rusland (zie 3, 27)
Saoedi-Arabië (zie 6)
Taiwan (zie 20)

VAE (zie 8)

15 – 090118: #UAE wants to reduce dependence on US as a single supplier and increased its purchases from France, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Sweden and Russia among others. Some useful info in this advertisement. #RememberNorway https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/between-2013-and-2017-the-uaes-annual-defense-expenditure-stood-at-an-average-of-us234-billion-per-year-and-this-is-expected-to-increase-to-an-average-of-us35-billion-300578374.html

VS (zie ook 5, 23)

17 – 120118: 'This year will undoubtedly be a banner year for arms companies' - @WilliamHartung for @TomDispatch: http://www.tomdispatch.com/post/176372/tomgram%3A_william_d._hartung%2C_2018_looks_like_an_arms_bonanza/#more

18 – 130118: “The NRA supports the Trump administration’s efforts to complete the reforms and transfer law-abiding firearms and ammunition manufacturers from [the] arms export system.” http://thehill.com/regulation/368425-planned-shift-on-gun-exports-kicks-up-storm

19 – 130118: The conservative Washington Times on making the world less secure, because the Trump administration wants to deregulate the sale of American weapons overseas. Arguments: to much red tape, jobs and China. - @washtimes https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jan/11/trump-deregulate-sale-american-weapon-overseas/




20 – 140118: Airbus said on Saturday it had been ordered to pay 104 million euros in fines over a missile sale to Taiwan in 1992, the latest French arms company to reach a settlement over disputes arising from one of France's biggest ever arms sales. http://www.business-standard.com/article/reuters/airbus-ordered-to-pay-104-million-euros-to-settle-taiwan-missile-dispute-118011300923_1.html

21 – 140118: Airbus said on Saturday it was in talks with Munich prosecutors that could lead to the termination of their investigation into alleged corruption in the sale of Eurofighter combat jets to Austria in 2003. https://www.reuters.com/article/airbus-arms/airbus-says-in-talks-to-end-german-eurofighter-investigation

Damen (zie 1-2)

22 – 090118: broekstukken: Kleine schepen (deel 6 serie over scheepswerf Damen) http://broekstukken.blogspot.com/2018/01/kleine-schepen-deel-6-serie-over.html

23 – 110118: broekstukken: Kleine schepen, de VS en verder (deel 7 serie over scheepswerf Damen) http://broekstukken.blogspot.com/2018/01/kleine-schepen-de-vs-en-verder-deel-7.html

24 – 120118: #Damen frustrated. #Romanian state wants to buy back country’s largest shipyard https://www.romania-insider.com/romania-buy-back-shipyard/ via @Romania Insider

25 – 130118: #Boekarest wants to keep a say in #Damen's operations. Gov't wants to buy back 51pc of Daewoo’s shares at Mangalia Shipyard http://actmedia.eu/daily/gov-t-wants-to-buy-back-51pc-of-daewoo-s-shares-at-mangalia-shipyard/73432

Fokker (zie 5)
Thales (zie 5)


Drones (zie 27)
F-35 (zie 5)

Observatie technologie (IT)

26 – 100118: Why the #EU's call to remove #crypto-tech from dual-use #DU export controls is encouraging http://iapp.org/news/a/why-the-eus-call-to-remove-crypto-tech-from-dual-use-export-controls-is-encouraging/ via @DailyDashboard


27 – 130118: New development in underwater warfare: Russia’s nuclear underwater drone (see Nuclear Posture Review) has a range of 6,200 miles, a top speed in excess of 56 knots and can descend to depths of 3,280 feet below sea level. https://www.defensenews.com/space/2018/01/12/russias-nuclear-underwater-drone-is-real-and-in-the-nuclear-posture-review/ See also: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-nuclear-posture-review-2018_us_5a4d4773e4b06d1621bce4c5?q4


Corruptie (zie 20, 21)

28 – 100118: A court acquitted #Leonardo's Orsi and Spagnolini of international #corruption, handing them instead two year sentences for the lesser charge of false bookkeeping. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2018/01/09/court-acquits-ex-leonardo-execs-in-helicopter-bribery-case/

Onderzoek en activisme

29 – 120118: Dutch ABP pension fund to pull investments in tobacco, nuclear arms makers http://www.sharenet.co.za/news/Dutch_ABP_pension_fund_to_pull_investments_in_tobacco_nuclear_arms_makers/3642f8ecf9e8b9fd276e3b98a6530932#.Wlh_wdHK4YQ.twitter via @SharenetSA

This is a selection from a larger amount of tweets. Tweets with a relation the Netherlands, arms trade and defence-industry weight heavier in the selection. If you want to have them daily see http://twitter.com/martinbroek